Google Translate drop-down widget for

  • Hello,

    I would like to know if there is some way to integrate a proper all-language (those that are supported by Google) Google Translate widget, preferably in the form of a drop-down menu, into a /free/ blog. I currently have something alike on my blog, but as you can see here [] I had to cut it down to only 4 languages.

    I know I can add all languages supported by Google in such a manner, but I think it is obvious that it will make my sidebar as long as it could get and even more and that looks pretty untidy to me. It would be cool if it looked exactly like the “Archives” widget when you put it on “display as drop-down list”.

    Please let me know if there is something like this existing or in development. Thank you in advance.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The Google translation widget cannot be used on free hosted blogs. Please click this link to my Translation Page and see if what I have suits you or not. While you are there the translation widget in my sidebar.

  • That’s a pity it’s not allowed to use the official widget.

    I checked out your links and I think I’ll add the second option. You rock – you combined all that useful information for all of us and are here helping me and others. Thanks for the support TT, really appreciated.

    Have a good day.

  • @thechronicr
    Though we can’t use the widget the Translation page and the widget I located are working pretty well on my blog. Thanks for the compliment. I hope you have a great weekend. :)

  • I came up with a different solution which I include in the footer on all my pages. I have a suite of flags with links to the relevant translate language. Its seems to help as I’m getting many more visits via Google in other languages since adding a couple of months ago.

    Hope this helps

  • If you have the CSS upgrade, you could also create home page similar to Wikipedia’s Home Page using a Text Widget and various divs. This can also be seen on many large, international business homepages. A bit of a tedius method, maybe, but quite creative and very rewarding in the end.

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