Google Page Speed issue after removing header banner image of Twenty Seventeen

  • I am using Twenty Seventeen theme for one of my wp site. The site speed is 92% for mobile and 98% on the desktop when tested it on Google page speed. When I customize header part and remove the banner image from the theme’s option then it lowers the speed on mobile to 79% and on the desktop to 86%.

    I didn’t add any custom code in the header of the theme and managing header from the theme’s settings.

    Earlier I bought a premium theme but dropped that theme because the site speed was coming in yellow and switched to default theme Twenty Seventeen.

    Now after creating the homepage when I am making changes to the header the speed is affecting.

    Here is the site url:

    I tried every possible way to increase the site speed, but nothing is working.

    I need your urgent assistance on this issue.

    Waiting for your response.


  • Hey dev299,

    You’re using the self-hosted WordPress version and your website is hosted on Lighting Base.

    We can only help with the websites hosted on

    Please contact your web hosting for assistance or you can submit your query to forums.

    You may also wish to read the difference between and

    If you still have any questions, feel free to ask.

  • Hey Ravichahar,

    Thanks for getting back to me.

    I will post the same on forum.


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