Google finds page but "not found" message comes up

  • When I google my website (Fetcham Christian Events), google finds it, but instead of displaying my home page , it give a message saying “Not Found”. The links to my other pages are visible at the top and are active. If I click on Fetcham Christian Events, I get my home page. The web address is

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Google has an accurate link to your present homepage as the first result of a search on, here. However, if you Google search on the title “Fetcham Christian Events” the first result is a link to a post published on 24 January of this year which is no longer published, It might have been deleted, or might have been put in draft or pending status. Google will eventually drop this result without you taking any action.

  • You’re welcome. : )

  • I now know how this happened. I tried to “update” the date on the original page. I had not realised that this would create a new page. Is there a simple way to remove the date from the page? Anita Hunt

  • Is there a simple way to remove the date from the page?

    Do you mean remove the date from a post where it appears below the title?

  • Yes. Anita Hunt

    Please send messages to
    me at

  • See the following forum topic, particularly the answer provided by Happiness Engineer, thesacredpath:

  • The customization suggested there requires the Custom Design upgrade (Premium Plan).

  • I don’t think removing the visible date via CSS custom design will change the actual link to a post—it will only change what is visible to a reader of the site because CSS does not change the basic functions of how works. The date is part of the link to any post one makes here on

    An important distinction a person using to understand is the difference between posts and pages.
    Posts are the heart of a blog. They are updates on what you are writing about, and the date is part of the link to that post.
    Pages do not include dates in their links. They are meant to share basic information about your site which does not change over time.

    For example (from my own site because I don’t immediately see any posts on your site, only pages):
    “” links to my site
    “2010/06/05” is part of the link to the exact post: this is a date
    “homemade-ramen-noodles” is part of the link to the post: the title
    If I were to change the date on this post, then the links to it via Google and other search engines would return a 404-not-found error because the link to that post had changed when I altered the date.

    If I used CSS to hide the date on that or any other post, then the link would be the same. Readers of your site won’t see it, but search engines which read the code behind your visible blog would see that link.

  • If all you want to do is to communicate with the members and friends of your church, and they all know the link to your site, then you can certainly have your site built with only pages. In that case, pages do not show dates. And if your members know to look at updated pages via the link to them, then you can change your page about events as often as you like.

    But if you want to reach out to others in your community, then you should use pages to build a “blog” which updates every time you make a new entry—a new event, new pictures, a new weekly theme for a service, and so on. Then use categories and tags so folks can find you. Some suggestions for tags: name of your town, name or your organization, name of an event, or featured theme for a service, or a featured article about one of your outreach programs. Think of it as sort of a diary of your group which folks can find online.

    Info about tags and categories:

    Hope this helps with your outreach!

  • If all you want to do is to communicate with the members and friends of your church, and they all know the link to your site, then you can certainly have your site built with only pages. In that case, pages do not show dates. And if your members know to look at updated pages via the link to them, then you can change your page about events as often as you like.

    But if you want to reach out to others in your community, then you should use pages to build a “blog” which updates every time you make a new entry—a new event, new pictures, a new weekly theme for a service, and so on. Then use categories and tags so folks can find you. Some suggestions for tags: name of your town, name or your organization, name of an event, or featured theme for a service, or a featured article about one of your outreach programs. Think of it as sort of a diary of your group which folks can find online.

    Info about tags and categories:

    As I said, I don’t see any posts on your site, so you may have set up a static front page. But you can easily add a blogging / diary / journal page for your site.

    Hope this helps with your outreach!

  • Thank you all so much for your help.
    I think that ideally I need to set up a static home page, rather than a post home page. I could not manage this when I tried originally, and assumed it was not possible on the 2014 theme.

  • @ 1tess,

    As I said, I don’t see any posts on your site, so you may have set up a static front page.

    The homepage of, is set to display posts, but it only has one. As mentioned above the URL of the lone post was originally, but was later modified to

    @ anitahunt2015,

    If the post you presently have as the front page contains the content you want for the front page, then you may copy and paste (use text mode for both post and page editors) its content into a page editor to create the page that you will assign as the static front page at Settings > Reading.

    When you select a page as the static front page, you will also be required to select a page which will display your posts. That is why the Front Page support page suggests creating a new page titled “posts,” or “blog” (though you may choose any other name) with no content to assign as the page which display posts. If you choose one of your previously published pages as the posts page, its content will no longer display.

  • Thank you so much! I have justed created a static home page.
    Please forgive me for asking yet another question.
    Is there any way to centralize the title of each page, in the same way that the text is centralized?
    Thank you once again for all of your help.

  • Hi there, I’m having a similar problem but don’t think it’s connected to the date issue.

    I am having no luck accessing my blog remotely. It’s loading okay from my own home PC. But it won’t load from a link in a Word file at all.

    From Word I get the following message

    Unable to open download the information you requested.

    It will appear in Google searches but clicking on the link brings up the following message –

    Secure Connection Failed

    An error occurred during a connection to

    Cannot communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s).

    (Error code: ssl_error_no_cypher_overlap)

    The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.
    Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem. Alternatively, use the command found in the help menu to report this broken site.

    I get the same message when I log in and try to access the blog though other people’s WordPress blogs were loading fine from my Reader.

    The blog in question is

    I now don’t want to post the blog link anywhere as people cannot access the posts.

    Anyone else had this problem? Anyone know what I can do about it? Is it anything to do with me running Classic Editor?

  • @ anitahunt2015,
    You’re welcome.

    Is there any way to centralize the title of each page, in the same way that the text is centralized?

    That would require CSS customization (Premium Plan).

    @ bashfulbadger,
    The issue you describe is not related to the present topic. It would be best for you to begin a new forum thread (aka “topic). What is the URL of the log in page you are linking to?

  • Okay, thanks, I’ve begun a new forum thread. Log in page url is
    I’ll put that on the new thread too. BB

  • To musicdoc1
    Thank you for the suggestion. As I am very new to this I think I will become more confident at the basic level before upgrading to the Premium Plan.
    Thank you again.

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