Google Data Warning

  • So what is WordPress.COM going to do??

    Maybe addressing the https issue for mapped domains should be a bit higher on the list than making a new look stats page? Me? I would put the https issue at the top of the list.

    Google is proposing to warn people their data is at risk every time they visit websites that do not use the “HTTPS” system.

    And if you read the article you will see that all the browsers are serious about adding the https warning if the site does not support https – that would make even the existing links that generate traffic to a site have the “your data is at risk” warning – talk about a nose dive for traffic

    This will kill traffic to mapped domains on WordPress.COM – and also kill the WordAds program since they are all mapped domains

    Google considers data risk warnings


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Thanks auxclass! SSL certificates for mapped domains are on our radar.

  • My two cents—> I totally agree with @auxclass

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