Google Analytics Wanted. Vote for it

  • We want WordPress to allow us to use Google Analytics in our blogs.
    Vote for it so that WordPress can hear us.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I don’t need or want Google Analytics. Thanks for this opportunity to say so.

  • I am new to WordPress but not to Google analytics, it is indeed a great tool.

  • It’s a a restricted code we cannot use on blogs. > Moreover the code must be entered into the template underlying our themes, and we cannot access the files in our shared templates in this shared environment on this nultiuser blogging platform, let alone edit them. >

  • Google Anything (Adsense, Analytics, Blogger, Buzz, Whatever) is a waste of time. WordPress is much better off for having not included the Google services in their free product. Vote: No.

  • Those who want to use free third party non-JavaScript visitor tracking programs on their blogs have several choices they can make. Some are live tracking systems and some aren’t. If you want to read brief reviews of them then visit my Popular Posts page and scroll down to “Visitor Tracking”.

  • yeah, we need it :)

  • the wordpress analytics the blog stats are very good, and google analytics is not needed.

  • Whatever your opinion on Google Analytics, you should know that in the four years I’ve been here I have yet to see anything approved because of a vote. WordPress is open source software, so go ahead and code a way for this to happen if you want it.

  • i dont want google analytics…

  • Why Google Analytics?
    Its more accurate than other 3rd party analytics tools.

    Advantages of Google Analytics
    1] See what keywords people are searching with to reach your blog.
    2] From which country they are coming.
    3] Set Goals.
    4] Be a Analytics Expert and more.

  • I’m not so sure on the “accurate” thing. In my testing and comparison over several months on my self-hosted blog, I saw no more accuracy than any other service. All of them have days when they would report high or low hits while the others reported the opposite.

    Accuracy of GA is no better than any other online stat service and they all require sending info back and forth over the internet. They are all subject to server (host or stat service), internet and connection problems.

    I now look at my stats at the end of each month. If they are up, that’s nice. If they are down, that is fine too.

  • i looked at it a while back and did not fancy it , i vote no

  • Why do you need so much data? It’s understandable if you are using your blog as a business, possibly earning income on advertising, but that cannot be done on the .com site. When you get to that point, you should be self-hosting, and when you do that, you have no restrictions on what kind of code you want to add to your site.

  • I got some alerts from Norton earlier this month saying it had blocked an intrusion attempt. I clicked the More Detail link and found that the blocked whatever-it-was had google .analytics in it file name/URL.

    I not only vote no, but &%## NO!

  • I have several other stats programs, along with Google Anylitics on my other website, and I rarely go to Google, there’s so much stuff to cut through. As far as OS, Browser, city state, and even IP, if someone wanted to go into the spy games… which, I don’t, they are all quicker on another of my Stats programs…which, Not sure if I am at liberty to mention by name at this time…so , I wont.
    But, yeah, I don’t need google, they need me…LOL

  • dreamsburnred · Member ·

    I would like Google Analytic’s.

    But it would void the purpose of stats (from which it was formed from).

    Vote: Yes

    Likelihood its coming: None

  • dreamsburnred · Member ·


    That’s a false positive. Google Analytics is safe (otherwise Google wouldn’t offer it).

  • @udosero

    Why do you need so much data? It’s understandable if you are using your blog as a business, possibly earning income on advertising, but that cannot be done on the .com site. When you get to that point, you should be self-hosting, and when you do that, you have no restrictions on what kind of code you want to add to your site.

    Excellent question. Reasonable opinion. What’s more there is no voting for this and that here. IMO this silly.

  • “Google Analytics is safe (otherwise Google wouldn’t offer it).”

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