Going Brain Dead on Centering

  • I am having trouble centering some text in an extra footer section that I added to a site that I am working on. The text that says:

    © Copyright 2013 Tom Bell Memorial Foundation. All Rights Reserved. Website Design By: Ryan WebsitesByRyan.com

    Needs to be centered.

    It can be found here: null

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  • Try enclosing the text to be centered in the tags <span style=”text-align:center;”></span>.

    WisTurophile (turophiles2cents.wordpress.com)

  • http://tombellmemorial.com/ is not a free hosted WordPress.com blog. You are posting to the wrong support forum. WordPress.com and WordPress.org are completely separate and have separate logins. If you don’t have a username account at WordPress.ORG click that link and register one on the top right hand corner of the page that opens, so you can post to the support forums there and receive advice from WordPress.ORG bloggers.

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