getting plug ins from to my site

  • I just began a new blog on called thesportscalendar.wordpresscom
    I would like to install the all in one SEO plugin directly form my account but can only find it to download from account.
    There is an easy one click install that I am missing for these kind of plugins, right? I have searched on the wordpress site and cannot find it. Help!
    I do not want to download to my computer and then upload to wordpress blog. What am I missing?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • There are no plugins on blogs. There is not FTP access to blogs. Here’s the link to wordpress.COM support documentation
    Here’s the entry on plugins

  • With your free blog here at you don’t have the option to upload your own themes and plugins. That is only from the downloadable version from for which you can put on a host you are paying for. Please review the following and post if you have any more questions.


  • Thank you. So if I want to customize it, I need to go through a paid provider which will allow me to customize it? So for a free blog, it is limited to effectiveness on SEO, correct?

  • The setup is great for SEO by default in my opinion, but in terms of “personalizing” or “customizing” the SEO experience, you really can’t change much like the SEO plugin you referenced earlier.


  • Trent

    sorry for so many questions. What you are saying then is that this free version I signed up for will still work fine with SEO, once Google finds the site and start to crawl it?

    Thanks again…..

  • So for a free blog, it is limited to effectiveness on SEO, correct?
    Absolutely not.

    No automatic plugin can replace the SEO you make yourself
    posting quality content,
    using an appropriate title,
    proper tags and categories,
    related internal and external links,
    to mention but a few of the things an SEO plogin cannot do.

  • Husdal.

    Thanks for the input!

  • /nod to husdal and trent

    No plugin can select appropriate and relevant keywords and place them in titles of posts, on sub-titles within posts, in the natural flow of the text, and choose place them at the beginning of documents.

    No plugin can select and place appropriate and relevant ALT text and description text on images.

    No plugin can select appropriate and relevant anchor text for either external or internal links.

    No plugin can locate and fix broken links, 404 errors, and other crawl errors that prevent the site from being indexed bu search engine spiders.

    No plugin in the hands of any blogger who lacks SEO knowledge and skills can structure a reader and search engine friendly blog.

  • Thanks again to all.
    Good to learn in this setting. I use DreamHost for my blog and there I can download plugins easily but I am paying for that. Agreed that good SEO has its basics in what can be done for free, was just looking to enhance the experience so people could find the site without a lot of advertising.

    Will continue to use same principals with this new site.
    Have a good weekend all.

  • IMHO there is no such thing as passive blog promotion. Good SEO and frequently posting fresh content only brings your blog up to the starting gate. It’s my experience that without taking direct action to promote your posts and blog within the “sports” niche, withing blog directories, online groups, forums, social media sites and social networks, your organic traffic will grow very slowly.

  • Believe me, the SEO of a typical blog is BETTER than that of any external blog platform including WordPress.ORG unless you have hired a LITERALLY world-class SEO consultant, and those do not come cheap.

    I teach this stuff and have started something of a firestorm among professional SEO artistes with this statement, along with the statement that anyone can try this out for themselves by registering an independent blog and one on both tied to the same account and use the same stats counter to compare

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