Getting email notofications for Spam Comments

  • I have started to get email notifications for Spam comments. This has never happenend before, and I’ve been using since 2016!

    Strangely, it doesn’t happen for every Spam comment.

    My Blog is

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey @kimwhysall, we’ve seen a few similar reports recently.

    First, can you tell us when this started? The date and subject of the email would work.

    Second, can you make sure the email notifications for comments is unchecked here?

  • Just clarifying, we had a few cases where folks said this just started even though they hadn’t changed any settings. You can change those settings to help.

    If you can, please also let us know the subject line and date of the first email that you didn’t expect.

  • Sorry, I wasn’t notified that I had 2 replies.

    I have been deleting the mails, some in the webmail interface, some in the client software on my PC. The earliest message in my deleted folder on webmail is 2nd September. I recently cleared my client’s deleted folder, so can’t check there.

    The subject line is always : Subject [New comment] Music

  • I have reviewed the mails and those received this week were all about comments on the same post. The others may well have been, but I have been deleting these mails for a while before I troubled to report them.

    The post is an old one:


  • Hi there,

    Our team is still looking into this, but it’s been reported that if you turn off the email notifications on this page you will stop receiving these:

    Does that work for you if you try? Thanks!

  • The link you provide would surely turn off all emails, not just those on that particular post? Can you clarify?

  • Good morning –

    That’s correct, when you use that will edit the notifications for the site, not just an individual post. It’s isn’t possible to edit notifications for one particular post in this way, it is a site-wide setting.

    Are these notifications telling you that something was automatically spammed? Or, do you read the comment and realize that they are in fact, spam? Those are 2 different scenarios.

    1. If the comments are coming through already flagged as spam:
    Great! Filters are working and catching the spam. In this scenario I would set up a folder with in your email to catch all of these notifications so that they are directed there instead of your inbox. You can occasionally look through them and catch anything that might not actually be spam, but otherwise, it can be ignored.

    2. If the comments still need to be marked as spam:
    Go ahead and mark them as spam. In time, the filters learn, and they will stop.

    The third option, and the one that I would suggest. Just turn off email notifications for the site, and manually check your notifications on a cadence that works for you.

    Write back if you need more help. We stick close by.

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