Gazette theme questions

  • 1. Post Grid Thumbnail Aspect Ratio

    The original aspect ratio of my featured images is 16:9 (1280 x 720 px). However in the theme I use (Gazette), both left and right sides are cropped in the thumbnail. What should I do so that the thumbnails show the entire image?

    2. Sidebar Thumbnail Aspect Ratio

    On the right sidebar I have a column of “Top Posts.” However the thumbnails are all 1:1, instead of 16:9. How can I change the ratio?

    3. Redundant Titles from Blog Post Blocks

    When I have “blog post blocks” in a post, the titles of the “blog post blocks” will show up directly under the title of that post, creating unnecessary titles at the top of the post page. I have managed to add some CSS codes to remove the title and the date, but not the avatar. What should I do to completely remove the redundant titles from blog post blocks?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi, I have three questions regarding my site.

    1. Featured images ratio in post grid: The dimensions of the featured images are all 1280 x 720 px (16:9). But somehow the featured images shown on the front page post grid are cropped on both left and right sides. How can I adjust the post grid featured images aspect ratio to show the full featured images?

    2. Sidebar thumbnail images aspect ratio: All the thumbnail images on the right sidebar is now 1:1 (square). How can I make it 16:9? (For instance, here:

    3. Redundant titles from Blog Post Blocks: When I add a “blog post block” in a post (let’s call it Post 1), the title of that blog post block will show up at the top of Post 1. So if I have three blog post blocks in Post 1, not only do I have the title of Post 1 at the top (which is normal), but also three titles of each blog post block directly under the title of Post 1. Now I have managed to remove the redundant “blog post block” titles and the date by adding these CSS codes

    h2.entry-title a {
    display: none;

    time.entry-date.published {
    display: none;

    Although I have very basic knowledge about CSS, I am pretty sure that what I have done was not the right way. And I am not able to remove my avatar at all. Here you will see three avatars under the title because I have three blog post blocks in this post. What should I do to completely remove the redundant titles? Below image is captured from

    Thank you so much!

  • Hi! I understand you were briefly in chat with us recently, but it looks like your questions ended up in the forum instead. If you did want to head back to chat, you can of course do so from here:

    1. Post Grid Thumbnail Aspect Ratio

    The Gazette theme tends to use 1920 px by 768 px for the individual featured images on posts; but I believe it uses a different aspect ratio for the featured images on the front page; there isn’t really an option in the theme to change the aspect ratio there – I think for that you would likely be looking at some custom code to apply to the theme. I’m not sure CSS would be the best solution here! It could also be worth testing the theme’s given aspect ratio to see how that compares.

    2. Sidebar thumbnail images aspect ratio:

    Do I understand correctly that you’re using the Top Posts & Pages widget for this? I don’t believe it has a method to change the aspect ratio of the images as such, but it does have an option to show only images and not the post titles – it’s described in the guide for this widget (just linked above).

    If you’re looking to feature some posts/pages in general but you don’t necessarily need them to be the ‘top’ ones per recent stats, it could be worth looking at an alternative method such as the Latest Posts block, Blog Posts block, or even the Query Loop block (which has a little more flexibilty in terms of how the image is displayed):

    3. Redundant titles from Blog Post Blocks:

    I’m not too sure I understand what you’re intending to achieve with the Blog Posts block within a post – was this to show posts that are related in topic to the one you’re writing, or for something else? Depending on what you’re aiming to do, we could possibly suggest an easier option than using the Blog Posts block! Feel free to let us know more about your intended layout so we can point you in the right direction.

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