Gateway Static Homepage Featured Photo

  • I also can’t figure out how to make the header appear as it did in the demo.

    In the demo the header is large:

    But on my site the header is banner style:

    Any suggestions on how to address this without moving to a new theme? I’ve tried:
    – Using this snippet ([rescue_spacing size=”40px”]) in a text widget (the html text shows up)
    – Ensuring I’m using the “Home Page” template
    – Playing around with the pixel dimensions of the photo I’m using
    – Adjusting both the “featured photo” on the Home Page and the customer header in the Customizer

    I also cannot find the ‘home hero widget’ that is referred to in the setup directions…when I tried the page break
    again, I could still see the html text over the photo??…

    Please help! This is a beautiful theme, but not as much with a banner instead of a full photo.

    Thank you!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @ashleybartner,

    So, you can make a featured image from the front page display in a wider size like that. The regular header will be shorter, like so:

    It’s actually a background image, and it won’t be displayed in full sizes if the situation doesn’t call for it. So on the demo site, it’s “taller” because that site has a logo, some hero text, etc — all of which are added in the customizer. Also, how much of this featured image displays depends on the environment, too. If you view the demo on a phone, you’ll see you only get a snippet out of the middle of the featured image.

    So for your design, I’d recommend using the hot pepper image (without the emblem in the middle) as the featured image on the home page, and a similar (but cropped) peppers image for the header on other pages. Then, if possible, upload your logo (the middle part that sits over the background) separately.

    Does that make sense? Let us know if you need more help.

  • I kinda figured it out – thanks for your help.

  • Can you take a look @supernovia? It kinda works – but what about the “Featured Photo” on the other pages? For example the About page – I just added media and inserted a photo…but shouldn’t the featured photo show up? It never does when I try to set one…
    I thought the header would also be able to change based on the page (isn’t that the featured image?) Sorry for my confusion and questions. I appreciate your help!!

  • @ashleybartner, that depends on your theme. For this theme, only the front page uses the featured image like that.

    Also, I noticed your logo is getting cut off on inside pages. I’d still recommend using a shorter logo that’s separate from your peppers background. I think that would get something closer to the effect you’re after.

    Or, if you want to get Premium with Custom CSS we could probably help you figure out a way to keep the header image height so it shows your whole logo.

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