gallery pictures not visible

  • I have two blog sites with mainly galleries. Many of the galleries were created some time ago and a few more recent ones using the new gallery creator.

    As of a couple of days ago, all of the old galleries will not display the thumbnails. They are visible in edit mode via the dashboard but not via preview or if viewed normally via a browser.

    All of these galleries show a similar format in Edit Page Text e.g.
    [gallery link="file"]

    Whereas galleries created more recently show the following in Edit Page Text

    [gallery ids="388,759,763,958,737,716,669,606,601,571,510,509,490,489,482,426,385,305,304,483,440,439,326,292,250,491,398,380,841,715,703,677,670,662,634,631,630,599,487,486,334,310,180,179,760,607,238,316,547,843,842,943,38,240,427,845,146,844,840,148,839,609,800"]

    So something has changed at WordPress which has invalidated the older galleries from being viewed properly. It’s not just me, as my stats are way down today compared to usual on both blogs and I see others are suffering the same.

    Am I really going to have to recreate all of the galleries throughout both my blogs? That is a awful lot of work WordPress!

    The blogs I need help with are and

  • So, no advice, no update, indeed no word at all from WordPress?

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  • Thank you. I have checked to be notified of followup posts. I appreciate your intervention.
    Especially frustrating because of all times my work is being featured on a website this week and probably this is the one time I would get the most people linking to my site. But isn’t that the way things usually go! ugh. :)

  • Hey everyone! Sorry for the weekend delay.

    We are seeing an issue with thumbnail galleries when the photos have captions.

    In my testing, if you edit your post in the text editor and remove the part of the gallery shortcode that says “link=”file””, your images will display correctly.

    I’ll let you know when this is fixed!

  • Great! Thank you so much. I have just done that and my images have returned.

    When you fix the bug will I need to go back in and do anything again to the shortcode?

  • Thanks. That has solved my gallery display problem too.

    I would echo nwolitzer’s question:

    When you fix the bug will I need to go back in and do anything again to the shortcode?

  • Our developers have deployed a fix for this. If you switched to tiled galleries, you can turn that setting off now.

    When you fix the bug will I need to go back in and do anything again to the shortcode?

    You shouldn’t need to, no.

    Let me know if any of you still see issues with your galleries.

  • this seems to be working fine now at my site. thanks so much for the quick response! your help is much appreciated. :)

  • Thank you! It works!

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