
  • My website used to have galleries in the right margin. Since blocks were introduced they have disappeared! How can I get them back? Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Your gallery widget is still there in the sidebar, but you have the visibility settings for that widget configured so the widget only appears on one page,

    If you want it to appear on other pages as well, you need to update that widget visibility setting:

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your reply, but perhaps I haven’t explained my problem well enough. The gallery widget that you are referring to was made after ‘Blocks’ was implemented. It is exactly the way that I want it to be. But the problem is that galleries that were made before Blocks are no longer visible. I think that this is because they were not created as widgets – they were created independently and not with pages. For example, there were galleries in the sidebar on the ‘Beloved Botswana’ and ‘Serowe and Area Gallery’ pages that are no longer visible and I cannot find them anywhere in the development system. I fear that they are completely lost and will have to be rebuilt from scratch. I will appreciate any help in recovering them.


    Gerard Pozzani

  • Thanks for clarifying.

    The only way you could have had galleries in the sidebar was by using a gallery widget. And it looks like those widgets are under the Inactive Widgets section on your site – back when block widgets were first introduced last year there was an issue with some themes that caused existing widgets to get moved to inactive, and I’m guessing that’s what happened here.

    Go to the page at Click the (1) three lines top left to expand the list view, and expand the (2) “Inactive widgets” section. Several of the “Legacy widgets” you see there are gallery widgets.

    Click on each one in turn in the list view, and you should see a widget preview in the center panel. If it’s a widget you want to keep, click the button in the block toolbar marked as (3) in my screenshot, and move it to the sidebar.

  • Hi again,

    Thanks for your help – I’ve got the historical problem sorted now. Just another quickie (I hope) – I can’t see how to put a new gallery onto the sidebar of specific pages. When I make a new gallery I don’t seem to have the ‘Visibility’ option that allows me to put it onto the sidebar of specific pages. So when I put the new gallery into sidebar it appears on every page. What am I missing?

    Thanks & regards,


  • Hi @gpozzani,

    It’s possible to change visibility settings from the block widget settings, as outlined here:

    I hope that helps and please reach out again if you have any further questions.

  • Hi,
    Thanks again for your help. I’ve sorted out all my major issues but I have 2 outstanding problems that I cannot resolve. The first is on this page:-

    Help With These Photos!

    The widget ‘Photos to be Identified’ appears twice in the sidebar. Easy to fix, I thought but I cannot even find the ‘Photos to be Identified’ widget anywhere! Help!
    The second problem is with the widget on this page:-

    Early Swaneng Alumni Give Back to the School and Reiterate its Founding Principles.

    The gallery doesn’t ‘open’. Again, I am at a loss – please help.

  • Hi there,

    I see what you are saying. I go to appearance > widgets and do not see it in the sidebar either. However, they appear to be blank, but when you hover over the blank space, a black square appears:

    If you click on those blank boxes, the missing widgets seem to appear:

    It’s definitely something we need to look into on our end as it may be deprecated/legacy widgets that are not appearing, but you should be able to access them and remove them once you hover over and click on those blank boxes.

    Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any trouble.


  • Hi,
    A better way is to go into widgets and click the 3 line symbol (top left) so that you can see a list of the widgets. Their names aren’t shown so you have to click each in turn to see which widget it is. If you go through each in turn you cannot find the widget that can be seen on the ‘Help with Photos’ page :-
    I have done this and the ‘Help with Photos’ widget is not there and that is the problem.

  • Hey there. I tried what you suggested and was able to find the duplicate widget. Since it was a bit of work to find it, I went ahead and removed that for you.

    I noticed too that my browser seemed to be having some odd issues with the widgets in the editor / customizer. I’m guessing it’s getting bogged down a bit as there were quite a few galleries loading but hidden, but I can’t tell for sure. We’ll note that performance issue. I’m wondering if that contributed to you not being able to find that duplicate widget.

    In any case, thanks for your patience on this! Is everything else sorted now?

  • Hi,

    Thanks for that – I don’t know why I couldn’t find the widget myself, so thanks again.

    I have another big issue and a small one. The big one is that the gallery on

    Early Swaneng Alumni Give Back to the School and Reiterate its Founding Principles.

    doesn’t act like a gallery. You cannot click a picture and get a slide show.

    The small issue is that if I put a link onto some text I cannot change the colour of that text. I used to be able to do this and it was a standard I set for myself – I want my links to be purple. Now they are a standard brown.


  • Hi there,

    The big one is that the gallery on

    Early Swaneng Alumni Give Back to the School and Reiterate its Founding Principles.

    doesn’t act like a gallery. You cannot click a picture and get a slide show.

    That one’s a different type of gallery. Can you try changing it to a tiled gallery instead? Try just tapping the gallery block icon and switching there.

    The small issue is that if I put a link onto some text I cannot change the colour of that text. I used to be able to do this and it was a standard I set for myself – I want my links to be purple. Now they are a standard brown.

    Are you having trouble in a particular post, or in a widget? If you can send a link, that can help us have more context.

    Going forward, would you mind creating separate threads for separate issues? That can be a little easier on the community, both to get your questions answered sooner and to help folks with the same questions find answers quickly, too.

  • Hi,

    I’ll make separate threads from now on – sorry. I changed the widget to a tiled gallery but still cannot start the slide show. Here’s the link:-

    Early Swaneng Alumni Give Back to the School and Reiterate its Founding Principles.


  • Different colour text for links.

    Here’s a link to a page I just made which shows the other problem:-

    Madiba Pupils Donate to Needy Learners

    The text ‘this link’ illustrates the problem – I would like to be able to make it purple rather than brown.

  • Thanks for that. For the “this link” one, try clicking on that link, then click the “settings” icon (it looks like a gear). You should have an option for a link color. It doesn’t look like it’s set yet — can you confirm whether you had edited it there?

    Also, while the current site is pretty complex and I wouldn’t recommend just switching themes now, you might try experimenting with the Full Site Editor. Two things that would come in handy:

    – You could edit each page and its sidebar on the same screen and not have to worry about widget visibility

    – You can set the link colors for the whole site at once

    If you’re interested, I’d recommend watching a webinar on that, then making a copy of the site so you can experiment with that. Let us know if you need help.

    Re: the new (not-legacy) gallery widget, it looks like it just may not have the same behavior as the older gallery widgets. I can file a request to get a carousel featured added.

    I hope that helps!

  • Hi

    In ‘settings’ you can only change the color of the text or the background in the entire Block.

    I’m reluctant to try the Full Site Editor. Switching to ‘Blocks’ has made many problems for me – most of which I wasn’t even aware of until recently – so who knows what I would be letting myself in for if I used the Full Site Editor.


  • Hello there,

    In ‘settings’ you can only change the color of the text or the background in the entire Block.

    If that method is not favoured, you can highlight the text, and use the options bar to change that colour – the settings for this can be found under Highlight.

    I’ve created this screenshot to help demonstrate that for you:

    I’m reluctant to try the Full Site Editor. Switching to ‘Blocks’ has made many problems for me – most of which I wasn’t even aware of until recently – so who knows what I would be letting myself in for if I used the Full Site Editor.

    If you wish, you can create a free site on the account to experiment with the editor and learn how to use that behind closed doors.

    This way, you can learn how it works, without disrupting the live site. This is is a good guide on how to use the full site editor:

    I hope this is all useful.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the ‘highlight’ tip – I might have never found it without your help.

    Except for the ‘non-legacy gallery widget’ issue all of my issues are now resolved. Thanks for all of your help.

    I’m reluctant to experiment with the ‘Full Site Editor’ – it’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks – but I may give it a go one day on a new project.



  • Thanks for clarifying. One thing you can consider is to watch the recording of our recent webinar on the Full Site Editor. In that webinar we cover how to convert a “classic” theme to a Full Site Editing theme, and then use the site customizer tools to create a totally new look.

    Except for the ‘non-legacy gallery widget’ issue all of my issues are now resolved. Thanks for all of your help.

    We’ve noted your issue with our developers. I can’t give any estimates at this point but we are happy to update this thread as soon as we have more info.

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

    Another Jerry!

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