Fullsize photos…

  • Bonjour,
    J’aimerais agrandir les photos de mon blog… Comment faire ? Merci !
    I would like to enlarge the photos of my blog … How to do? Thank you !

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Follow these steps:

    1) Edit the post at My Site ->Blog Posts
    2) Click on the image
    3) Click the link-icon in the editor toolbar – it should automatically show the link for the full size image
    4) Add the link
    5) Repeat with the next image.
    6) When you’re done, update the post.

    Now images should open the full-size version when you click them.

    You can also follow this process every time you add an image to a post, before you publish the post.

  • Thanks kokkieh but when I “modify” (is it the same as “edit”?) my post and I click on a photo, I only have a toolbar with: left align, center, align right and no alignment. .. in the middle, only decrease size is active?

  • Hmm. Can you capture a screen shot of what you see on the screen after clicking on the image and using the Edit option?

    Add this to your media library and we can have a look.

  • it depend may be of my theme ?
    I have a photo of my screen and add it in my blog :

    Tégénaire d’Oléron (Eratigena)

    the first picture… Is it enough ?
    I put it in my media Library…

  • Go ahead and click on the edit link above thie picture – the pencil.

    When it opens you will see the link on the right hand side of the image, under the bolded URL heading.


  • Thanks kokkieh but when I “modify” (is it the same as “edit”?) my post and I click on a photo, I only have a toolbar with: left align, center, align right and no alignment. .. in the middle, only decrease size is active?

    You are referring to the image pop-over toolbar.

    I am speaking of the main editor toolbar, at the top of the editor itself, under the post title. On your own screen shot:



    The OP is asking how to add that link to an image, not where to find it. You cannot add the link to the image by clicking the pencil icon.

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