front page sorting

  • Just started this site with Visual theme, using full width and latest posts on the front page. My question is how do the posts sort? Mine appear to be in almost random order – like this, with 1 being the oldest: 5, 4, 3, 9, 2, 8, 1, 7, 6. Should be chronological right? What am I missing? Thanks for your help.

  • Hi there,
    Looks like the Visual theme you have selected uses some thing called the masonry grid to arrange the images on the home page. The posts are arranged based on the image sizes in your post just like how mason’s arrange bricks on a wall (Masonry grid layout) . Hence the dynamic post order instead of the usual chronological order.

  • simplysaru;
    Thanks for your input. I don’t think I can work with that but it’s nice to know what it’s doing – trying to figure out the logic behind the sort order was making me crazy. Thanks again for your quick help!

  • Reopened this topic as unresolved in the hope that WordPress staff will see it:

    How can I modify a site with a front page masonry grid theme (Visual) so all posts display chronologically instead of, well, sorta random.

    Site is

    Thank you in advance!

  • The topic ‘front page sorting’ is closed to new replies.