Front-end not rendering as shown in back-end

  • I’m having some issues with the alignment of the header in my top banner and a few things in my footer: “contact” link isn’t aligning with others in slide menu, “join our mailing list/enter email” boxes are crunched to the left side.

    I am not a developer or even very experienced with wordpress so a lot of what I’m doing is making small changes and viewing the result (I know, not ideal). I’m not sure what I did to change the alignments.

    For the top banner all I did was remove the twitter icon because I’m not using twitter for my business. Previously, the icons were aligned to the right of the screen and the “free shipping” text box was centered. After I removed the icon everything aligns to the left. I’m assuming this is a default setting, but I cannot find where to realign them.

    For the footer, the only changes I made were links to each of the slide menu items.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated! I am using Oxygen for editing.

    Thank you!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Additionally, everything looks perfect when viewing from the back-end, but when I open the site everything aligns as mentioned above.

  • Hi there,

    The Oxygen site builder plugin you’re using there is not made by us, so we have no control over how it works. Which means this isn’t really something we’re able to help with on our end. I’m not even sure where in the dashboard those elements were created.

    If I go to the Oxygen menu in WP-Admin I am seeing this notice at the top:

    If CSS code is being cached, that could explain a mismatch between the dashboard preview and the live site, so you can try clicking that link to update the cache.

    If that doesn’t work, you’ll need to contact support at Oxygen directly for advice, though:


    Note that your plan gives you access to priority email support. You can reach those at any time by clicking the Help icon that appears bottom-right on all the My Sites pages, or else via the direct link at

    But our support is for the most part limited to features, the core WooCommerce plugin, and add-ons for WooCommerce found on We’re not able to provide support for third party add-ons and themes, both for WooCommerce and for WordPress in general, that are available via other sites.

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