Friends having difficulty entering comments in my "Comments" box

  • Two of my local friends have experienced problems getting my blog to accept their comments, at least some of the time. Also, I haven’t had any “hits” from elsewhere in Cyberland today and and yesterday. (I usually get at least two a day; the two I had today represent my friend trying to leave a comment in two ways; he finally succeeded. I am including his email remarks here:
    ” Hi Bob,
    The comment forms are behaving a bit strangely. I first tried commenting on the latest “Kaleidoscope” post, both logged in to WordPress and not (to try to match Marcie’s situation), and both attempts failed, sending me to a page that only said “This comment could not be posted”.
    However, the previous “Father’s Day” post SEEMED to take both logged-out and logged-in post attempts, though the post are probably awaiting moderation in your dashboard.
    A third attempt on the the “Kaleidoscope” post was more ambiguous and might or might not have succeeded.
    So I can confirm that there have been some issues at least on the one post, but have no concrete conclusions as to what was happening or why.
    Can anybody at WordPress analyze my blog to determine if there is any kind of mechanical kink involved?
    Bob Litton

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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