Freshly Pressed Multiple Times Badges

  • I was recently lucky enough to be Freshly Pressed. I belong to a number of Wikis and they honor people by creating various badges they can display on their page.

    I have proudly placed the Freshly Pressed badge on my page but I was thinking it might be a fun idea to have badges for multiple occurances. A Freshly Pressed Twice, +5 Freshly Pressed, +10 FP, etc. They’d be easy to create although some programming would have to be done to ensure that only people who received the honor the correct number of times could put up the various badges.

    Just a thought.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Ten times? If you told everyone who went to your blog that you’d been on FP ten times, they would tear you limb from limb.

  • I just need to know how to place one Freshly Pressed logo into my sidebar – HELP!

  • It’s in the Widgets. Once you’ve been Freshly Pressed you add it like any other Widget.

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