Freshly pressed but not me…

  • Can I ask how do I get to be added to “freshly pressed”? I look every other day for my posts, which I space out so that they will draw more readers as like you suggested, but I am never on Freshly pressed, is it for serious autors only? I do get a few readers every month but they search by way of word. I don’t want to tag everyone of my posts with as many words as in the post just to get one or two readers a week. I might as well take my WordPress account and hide it… Thanks in advance


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, lessmedictated! Freshly Pressed is certainly not only for “serious authors” — we look for posts that are interesting, well-written, and are likely to spark interesting conversations. For more on what we look for, check out this support document:

    Tags are a useful way to help new readers find you (although don’t over-tag — using more than 15 will block you from the Reader). Visiting other blogs and engaging with their authors in the comments is a fantastic way to draw people to your site; it’s really the best way to build up a readership. You can also head over to, where we have daily writing prompts and challenges that introduce lots of bloggers to one another.

    Happy blogging — don’t give up!

  • O I see, I would need to be writting of current affairs or what is buzzing, have a blog that is flashy or draws attention, and then I will be judged for my views and writting style. I understand now, and I don’t see my fewer numbers improving because I am not going to do those things only to have traffic. I thought that this site and its freshly printed where for anyone that , well, freshly printed a post. Now that I see its a contest I am not interested. I will keep my WordPress account and simply post as I have always done.

    Thank you for the advice…



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