Freedom to Adjust Published Page Menu

  • I have an idea that if you were able to drag and drop the order of your own published pages it will make a much more organized platform.

    A little freedom here will be welcome, since I am making a rather large website and my published pages list is rather long, so I find myself scrolling to find certain pages, and organization is my thing, so it’s only an idea.

    It’s not an issue, or a complaint, just an idea for the development teams to consider, since I think it will make the interface much more user friendly ;)

    Perhaps in the same way a menu is created, with those little arrows, just without the nesting headers.

    Thanks for taking this to whomever may be able to feedback to the required team :)

    The blog I need help with is:

  • Hi there,

    As with your other thread, this is a change that would need to be made to the open source WordPress software itself, so the best place for this suggestion will be the community forums where the people who make that software will see it.

    You could also try searching if there isn’t perhaps a plugin that already adds this functionality to the Posts screen. Personally I don’t know of any, but it wouldn’t surprise me if someone on the web has already come up with a way to do this :)

  • Oh! Okay, I don’t know of any plugin that could organize pages, maybe you can suggest some plugins to try.

    either way, thank you for the help!

  • Since using plugins here requires a paid Business Plan, you’re not likely to find many folks who can offer a recommendation.

    Because of this, I recommend asking over at instead.

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