Free themes without flash player plugin

  • I would like to avoid flash player plugin on my wp-blog.
    Is there a free theme available without flash?
    Or is it possible to avoid it some other way?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there –

    Plugins are a feature supported with the self hosted version of WordPress, not (here).

    For help with a self hosted WordPress site and plugins you will want to post in the support forums at

    This guide outlines the differences in the two versions of WordPress:

  • @staff-zinnia
    Thanks! I am in the right forum then, but perhaps I need to clarify my question a little bit:
    I want to find a free theme for my blog (I already have), and I don’t want my blog to include the use of Adobe Flash Player (please help me with that).
    In other words:
    When anyone visit my blog, I want it to be an experience with no use of Flash Player.

  • Hi there – Our themes for do not use Flash. Check out our Theme Showcase and let me know if there’s any other questions I can help out with.

  • @staff-zinnia
    Thanks for your reply.
    I use Isola as Theme for my blog, and when I view my blog in my browser (Chrome), my browser tells me that Flash Player plugin is blocked (due to my browser settings). That tells me that there must be some use of Flash inside my blog. If the Isola Theme doesn’t use Flash, what else might use Flash then?

  • What is the site URL?

  • The blog I need help with is

  • That’s weird, because the Isola theme is created by Automattic (people who run WordPress), and so it’s very unlikely that any of their themes would use Flash in any way.

    Also… does not allow the use of Flash on any WordPress.COM site…and here’s what it says on this support page (

    Flash and all other embeds are not allowed in posts, pages, or text widgets. For security reasons, we remove the tags needed for these to work. Your intentions may be innocent, but someone somewhere might try to use such embeds to damage the site, affecting all of our users.

    There are several safe ways to post Videos, Audio, and other items to your blog.


  • Thank you for verifying the site url. I wanted to make sure we were looking at the same site together.

    As mentioned, our themes do not use Flash.

    Can you check which version of Chrome you are running?

    Try disabling all browser extensions and clearing your cache to see if helps.

  • @manfrommars
    Thank you very much.
    As of my Chrome browser it is automatic updated (Current Version 55.0.2883.87 m)
    I guess that Google Chrome is right, and that there IS something in my blog calling for a Flash Player plugin in the browser.
    If only I knew how to find it …
    It has probably nothing do do with my Chrome extensions or my cache.

  • Not sure if this will confuse you even *more* or maybe less…but:

    If I go to your site using an old version of Chrome (Macintosh) I get no Flash warning message…I just go straight to your site.


    If I go to your site using a newer version of FireFox (Macintosh) I get a warning that says “Firefox has prevented the outdated plugin ‘Adobe Flash’ from running on…” but that does not prevent me from viewing your site.

    I’ve gotten this same warning on lots of other sites on that I know are not running anything related to Flash…and of course this doesn’t make much sense since Flash is definitely not allowed to run on sites.


  • @manfrommars
    Thank you for using your time on this issue.
    I also get a warning on other sites like ***

    I made a little research, and maybe I found something:
    I opened my blog in Chrome, right clicked, opened “view source”, and searched for “swf”:

    </script><script type=”text/javascript”>
    jQuery.extend … “swfobject” …

    Isn’t swfobject a Javascript file used for embedding Adobe Flash content?

  • My best guess so far:
    1) There is no Flash content on my blog (I hope I’m right!)
    2) There is something in the code of my blog (the Isola theme?) calling for a Flash Player plugin.
    Can anyone with more knowledge than me please tell me what’s really going on?

  • Good Morning –

    This test shows that your site is not using any flash.

    I tested your site in Chrome without Flash installed, and didn’t get a warning, so I’d like us to rule out your browser extensions as the culprit. Please let me know when you’ve disabled the extensions and cleared the cache.

  • @staff-zinnia
    Thank you very much.
    I am very glad to know that my blog does not include flash objects.

    I have looked at my blog in Chrome on PC without any active browser extensions and with totally cleared cache. I still get a notice that Flash Player plugin is blocked.
    If I allow Flash Player plugin in Chrome for my blog, I don’t get a notice.

    In both cases I haven’t seen any Flash objects on my blog.

    I will conclude:
    1) My blog does not include flash objects.
    2) My blog calls for a Flash Player plugin when opened in Chrome on PC.

    There is so much in this world that I don’t know anything about …

  • I will mark this topic as resolved, even though I don’t feel illuminated :)

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