Forum Volunteer of the Day

  • I tagged the thread with ModLook :)

  • Sulz – you still have what I think is the best avatar so how could I possibly say no? :)

  • aww mark, can’t believe you still think so! thank you! any chance of another upgrade for that lips? ;) lol

  • Hey! Mark… now I get to whine, since I also use lips as an avatar. Mine are actually and genuinely mine, so now since you’ve made me feel bad and all… you have to bribe me with something to make me feel better.

    (Frac, it’s worth a shot… lol)

  • Ditto on the Idea and the Brilliant/Best avatar I’ve ever seen, Sulz, wowed first time I saw it, glad you’ve kept it. (I shamelessly admit: mine gives me a giggle, it’s so apt when it comes to techie stuff, which of course is why I chose it…) I always thank anyone who even replies; nomination is a Good Thing. Well done, Sulz.

  • thanks poppy! :) i just thought it’d be nice if people have a place to give credit to people who take their time to help out. i used to help quite a bit before, so i know a thank you is always appreciated from anybody!

  • There are so many wise volunteers that make this forum very useful.
    panaghiotisadam has inspired me to experiment with html, which I’d always thought too scary to try. Thanks: I built a table, and learned about background images, and columns.

  • 1tess: i made a table once with html and know how accomplished one can feel after that, when html is considered pretty difficult. ;) i noticed panaghiotisadam is good to have around when one has css questions too, which is always good as we have so few volunteers with css knowledge (vivianpaige, rosclarke et al).

  • CSS can sure be intimidating too. The first few times I tried to change anything, I almost cried. Here’s my tip for anyone who wants to try learn it by experience (my preferred method of learning anything). Give yourself a block of time where you don’t have to do anything on a time limit. Then… choose a color you wouldn’t have in your theme… like lime green for me, since my new self-hosted blog is in pinks and greys and black. So now, sit and change things one at a time, replacing the color of it with the lime green. Then… refresh the page and see what changed. So then you go, “Ohhhhh that’s what that means” and then you know what that item is.

    I know that method might make some giggle… but for me, what I just learned clicks… becase I’m a visual/practical experience learner and the stuff makes more sense to me that way than by reading a whole page of codes and descriptions of what they are.

    I went from knowing nothing… to being able to change over the theme for my newer self hosted site to suit my own needs, and…. it renders properly in both IE and Firefox.

    So, there is hope for everyone. LOL.

    But yes… I agree that any forum volunteer who knows CSS and can help out the noobs like me, should get a pat on the back here in this thread!

  • fracas: that’s how i did it when i had the css upgrade too! :) i managed to change small things like colour, size and font, which can make some difference to the whole look really.

  • Yep, that’s how I learned, too. And I spent a lot of time Googling what the terms meant. I’m not expert on CSS, though. That I leave to deltafoxtrot and devblog.

  • sulz,
    panaghiotisadam has been very inspiring. CSS is still too scary for me, but this forum with all the smart volunteers make wordpress very useable. So many of the posts prove useful even when I don’t actually post a question. Just reading the q and a make me smarter. It’s truly an accomplishment that the forums don’t degenerate into rants, viagra/money-making offers, or pleas to convert to the latest religion. Thanks to all the great practical help here.

  • If you’ve been inspired or learned something because of the assistance of a forum volunteer, the best way you can show your appreciation is by giving back to the forum and volunteering too. It’s karma in action.

    Don’t be put off by thinking you don’t know enough to venture an answer. None of us started out as “experts” (very tongue-in-cheek in my case) but we were determined to find the answer and learned something in the process.

  • I’m still laughing at the idea someone thinks I ‘know’ CSS. My method when I started was even less competent than Fracas or Vivian. I just found things I liked that other people had done and copied and pasted into my code, then played around until I’d got it the way I wanted. I still have to check the tutorials for things like the order you put margin numbers in, or whether # or . is for a class or a div.

  • It’s truly an accomplishment that the forums don’t degenerate into rants, viagra/money-making offers, or pleas to convert to the latest religion.

    @1tess-oh, it happens. You don’t see it often because those threads get cleaned up/deleted/closed after Staff or forum Mods are alerted. Some of the funnier ones get moved to the Off Topic forum for entertainment. :)

  • Yes, they generally get deleted, especially once I lose my temper.

  • I have only just come across this. On behalf of all the hundreds of “handicapped” (!!) bloggers like myself who learn almost everything from this forum, a very sincere Thank You to you all. You are most patient with idiots like Dickiebo! Cheers!

  • You’re welcome! katm, :)

  • First off your not a idiot Dickiebo,
    & you’re welcome!

    Thanks for stopping by to say thanks. :)

  • thanks for saying thanks dickiebo! :)

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