formatting poetry

  • I have been posting quite a bit of poetry lately, and I wonder if there are differences among the themes as to whether or not I can *easily* format what I write.

    I am NOT conversant in code, and find that simple line breaks between stanzas, I believe to have been added, evaporate after showing up once or twice so obviously I am doing something wrong.
    If it were only a matter of appearance, I would not care that much, but sometimes the meaning is changed if the layout is wrong.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • bellen

    In the Visual Editor, if you press return at the end of a line, you will get a line break plus a blank line. If you hold down the “shift” key as you press return, then you will get just a line break.

    For more control of spacing, you will have to learn just a little bit of HTML.

    Or use an off-line editor, such as LiveWriter.

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