Formatting Blogs from Email

  • I am having an issue with the blogs I have created using WordPress.

    The issue is that since I have set it up for some non-tech people, I have enabled the WP-CRON and blogging from email. However, the formats of the blogs don’t look so good. They take up just half of the page (left side), and some of them end up with strange characters in them like “=20” at the end of every line.

    I have found WordPress to be a fabulous program, and it works great for everything I’ve needed until now.

    Does anyone know how to fix this? I’d like to get the =20 stuff out of the pages, and have the blogs themselves full justified, if possible.

    Anyone have any thoughts?



  • Rob

    From what you’re saying I gather that you are self-hosted?

    If this is the case then unfortunately you need to be asking the question over at

    The forums are only for support of blogs hosted at


  • We also run a different code base so our answers would be different and wouldn’t apply to your site.

  • I am self hosted.

    My bad. Sorry for that, but thannks for the link.

  • Not a problem. :)

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