Forever Theme: problems viewing older posts – appears dark, cannot read.

  • I use the Forever theme. All of a sudden (today) when I search on an older post, it comes up the color of the sides of my blog. There is no white area, therefore it’s nearly impossible to read. To duplicate:, search on “shrimp broccoli”, and it will pull up dark.
    The other option, was I searched on SHRIMP, posts appeared OK on page one, click to see older posts and they’re all dark.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Know that you are using a retired theme and the recommendation is to change themes. Toujours is an update of our Forever theme

    Retired themes do not support all wordpress.COM features, therefore, the recommendation is to switch themes and that’s easy to do.

    The only themes we can use on hosted blogs are licensed and adapted to run on our multiuser software the themes are found here and in your dashboard at > Appearance > Themes

    Themes are just “skins” on WordPress.COM hosted blogs. You can quickly and easily change themes on any WordPress.COM hosted blog to another one found here and no data will be lost or negatively affected by the change. The only time you may have to do some work is if you are changing to a dramatically different theme and have done any CSS editing.

    Provided you are logged in as Admin under the same username account that registered the blog go to Dashboard > Appearance > Themes, Browse themes until you find one you like and click the “activate” or the “preview” link, or type in the name of the theme you want to use when it appears.

    The theme customizer provides a preview function for exactly that purpose ie. so you can view what a theme will appear like prior to changing one.

  • If you still want to use Forever then type modlook into the sidebar tags on this thread for Staff help. How do I get a Moderator/Staff reply for my question? Please subscribe to this thread so you are notified when they respond and be patient while waiting. To subscribe look in the sidebar of this thread, find the subscribe to topics link and click it.

  • Meant to add… there was no problem with this prior to today (I pulled up this recipe a few days ago and it was fine). Never had this problem before.

  • I tagged this thread for Staff assistance. Please subscribe and be patient while waiting.

  • Thank you for your response. I did try the updated theme, however, it didn’t quite work for me because if on a device or phone the sidebar items do not appear (one being SEARCH, that is used often). This was brought to my attention the day after I updated… I tested it out and there is an infinite scroll, so you never get to the bottom to see a Search bar. If I turn OFF Infinite Scroll, then I lose views, because it’s easier to scroll (obviously) than it is to keep clicking or tapping to see the next… so while I LOVE the new theme, it just doesn’t quite work for me. I have been through every theme, and to find one that has a sidebar, with a good image size, infinite scroll, and be able to see Top Posts, Recent Posts, Instagram pics, etc. there weren’t many… So as much as I would like to switch to the new theme, I need to stick to the old, but now I cannot do that either or a good portion of my blog will be unreadable? Did something change with WordPress, since it worked a few days ago, yet it doesn’t work today?

  • Thank you for tagging for staff assistance, appreciate it!

  • You are are welcome. Note that there is a backlog for Staff and we have now headed into a weekend so your patience will be required.

  • It looks like there’s some malformed HTML in this post, which is breaking the layout on both the single post, and when that post is included in search results.

    Shrimp and Broccoli Stir Fry… Dinner this eve??

    Try switching to HTML view in the post editor and removing the stray closing div tag (</div>) here:

    <p>I made a few changes, one reason was that I was cooking for two and didn’t want leftovers… the other, I didn’t have any sesame oil… I made this a few times before I feel it was perfected. The first time I halved everything, BUT I kept the amounts for the sauce the same. There wasn’t enough. It was a tad dry… I didn’t measure the broccoli, so perhaps I had too much AND I had more shrimp… For two, I made these changes: 3/4# shrimp, and however much broccoli you want, it’s awesome so we ate quite a bit, probably close to 4cups… I used 1/3 cup of low sodium chicken broth, 2 1/2 Tablespoons rice wine vinegar and 2 1/2 Tablespoons soy sauce and 2 1/2 teaspoons of cornstarch.</p></div>

    I think that should do the trick – let me know know it goes.

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