Footer Menu not Nesting

  • I have spent the day reorganising my blog and I am generally pleased with it. However, whilst I have got the header menu to work perfectly, the footer menu does not behave. In the header menu there are three main buttons and the sub menus items are all hidden within them as one would expect.

    In the footer menu, there are three main buttons but all sub menu items are clearly visible. As there are a lot of menu items both in the header and the footer, the footer menu is rather unwieldy now.

    I hope that is clear: take a look anyway and let me know what you think and how I might resolve the problem.

    Best wishes


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • That’s not a free hosted blog that’s linked to your username. I’m sorry to report that you have accidentally posted to the wrong support forum. We cannot help you here at with that site as it’s not being hosted by and we run on different software. This is the correct forum for your software http://wordpress.ORG/support/ vs The Differences
    Best wishes with your site.

  • Sorry for that but I solved the problem, in case anyone is interested.

    I decided to make the top level of the breadcrumbs REALLY simple and was able to combine both menus in the header and then cascade from there. if anyone would like to see the effect

    I’m not sure what you mean by free hosted blog though. I don’t pay for it although I did buy the domain via WP


  • Please read this and understand that this is the support forum that’s only for those who have free blogs from and being free hosted by vs The Differences vs.

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