font issue with site-description – 2014 Theme

  • Hello. I made a few changes to the CSS on my site and all of it seems to be displaying correctly, except the site-description font. It all looks great on the CSS Customizer, but once I click save the site-description goes back to the default theme font (not the “ff-market-web” font I want). Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    This is the change I made to the CSS:

    .site-description {
    font-family: ff-market-web;
    color: #42bde5;
    font-size: 120%;
    font-weight: 400;
    line-height: 1.5;

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, the Typekit font family names used in CSS are in most cases not just the font name, because they may actually have several variations of the font (italic, bold, semibold, light, medium, heavy, etc.). Use the following font stack, which I found by looking at the CSS for your site title using the web inspector in my browser. The reason for including several font choices is so that if the first font isn’t available, then there is a second, and a third, etc. If you have only one, and the browser has a issue loading that font, then it would substitute its own font.

  • Worked like a charm! Thank you so much!

    Do you mind if I ask you one more question? How would I go about making the site-content area a little wider? I’d like the font to stretch a little further to the right (closer to the content-sidebar).

  • The width of the actual content area is set by left and right margins, the right being a percentage. You can add the following and then adjust the right margin. 26% seems pretty good and still leaves some whitespace.

    .site-content {
    margin-right: 29.0476%;
  • Thank you! Worked perfectly.

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