Font in Editor suddenly got smaller

  • Hello!

    I tried to edit an article today in the morning and I noticed that suddenly the font has become smaller. Has there been a wordpress update that might have caused this bug?

    Thanks in advance!

  • The font has still not changed. Till yesterday it was fine. Now all of a sudden it changed. Hopefully this is true only for the Editor. But could someone at least why is this so? All of a sudden, with no reason, the size of the font became smaller in the editor. Out of the blue.

  • Are you sure the zoomlevel of your browser didn’t change by accident? Try to reset the zoomlevel of your browser.

  • I have checked this. It was the first thing I checked. Only the font inside the box that we write has changed. Menus, settings and everything else has remained the same. All of a sudden! Till yesterday night was working fine. I would appreciate a reply from a staff member to at least inform me what has happened: if there has been a new update, if it is a bug, or anything. I don’t know. Thanks for your reply though!

  • What is the URL of the site where you saw this happen? Is it happening on all of your sites?

    What browser are you using? Does it happen if you try a different browser? Are you using any browser extensions? Can you try disabling them and seeing if that changes things?

  • I realized that it doesn’t happen to all of my sites. Can it be because of the theme? It definitely happens when Colinear or Baskerville-2 theme are enabled. Essentially, it is like it doesn’t recognize theme’s font in the Editor, like the other themes do. But till yesterday it did. Why could it be so? Any idea?

    I did tried a different browser – two to be exact. It didn’t help.

    Thanks for your reply.

  • Hello,

    Is there any specific reason, finally, why the Font of the Editor has suddenly changed for a bunch of themes? It is almost unbearable to write, and definitely not as comfortable as before. Is it a bug? And how did it occur all of a sudden, out of the blue? Is this a permanent change that for some kind of bizarre reason WordPress decided to apply?

    Thanks again for your responses.

  • Hello there,

    Are you able to show me the site and page you’re working on please?

    With regards to the font, this hasn’t changed – are you looking at code view perhaps?

    Many thanks in advance.

  • myapricityjournal · Member ·

    Did you accidentally change the font size in blocks, on the right side of the editor page, under “Typography”? Mine is set to “Default” for instance, but it can be changed to small, medium, large, huge etc. I sometimes click things without realising.

  • Hello aleone89, thanks for your reply.

    This applies to any page or post I’m working on. It has to do about the Editor, no matter what I open with it. You could have a look on this site, for instance, and this page of it,

    I have checked every possible thing. It is like it doesn’t recognize theme’s font in the editor or the size of it has changed. I have checked all the settings.

  • Hello there,

    Many thanks for that additional information.

    I can see the theme in use there is Baskerville 2.

    The reason why the font size and font family will not necessarily reflect in the back of the site, rather than the front end is because this theme is not primarily a block based theme with the block editor.

    From what I can see, I don’t see anything untoward in the backend there.

    I hope this offers reassurance.

  • Hello and thanks for your reply and time. I appreciate it. However I can’t tell I really understood what happened. Also, I didn’t understand if it is going to be fixed and how it occurred all of a sudden. Could you enlighten me please?

    Thanks again!

  • Hello there,

    You’re most welcome.

    I’ll be honest, I can’t see anything broken, or anything that’s happened here.

    It’s just that the editor fonts is different to what’s being seen on the front end and this is to be expected.

    I hope that helps.

  • Hello,

    I don’t know how is this to be expected, when literally two days ago it was not different. And even if it was somehow different, it wasn’t like it is now. Now the font size suddenly appears to be much smaller. And this is the case at least with two other themes (colinear and ixion) and probably with even more. It changed suddenly. Now it is not comfortable at all to the eyes to write in such a small font size. It occurred all of a sudden. Two days ago it was working like a charm, and now all of a sudden the font size of the editor became much smaller. Two days ago I had put in my cart a paid plan in order to upgrade, and now it stops me from doing so, because I can’t write when the font size is like that. Do you think that could have occurred to a bug? But why should it affect other websites also, with different themes?

    Thanks again!

  • Hello @lazavad,

    Plot twist.

    It looks like this is a very new and unexpected bug, which we’re starting to see reports of and this has been flagged internally.

    It wasn’t immediately obvious as some themes do show different fonts when it comes to editor and front facing, so totally acknowledge there was an oversight there in previous responses.

    With regards to the paid plan, you’re more than welcome to proceed with this purchase, as it will have no baring on this issue – that said if you would like to hold off this purchase, that’s understandable.

    Rest assured that this issue on our radar.

  • Hello aleone89,

    It’s ok for the oversight in the previous responses.

    Just to letting you know, I checked it again today and the bug still persists.

    I hope it will be fixed really soon.


  • I am having this same issue with my blog. Seemed to have started a few days ago. Thought I was imagining things! It is indeed almost impossible to compose a post with the font so tiny. Hope this issue is resolved soon.

  • Thanks for reaching out, @jamarattigan.

    The bug has been reported here. You can both subscribe to the issue to be notified of any updates.

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