
  • How can I change the font size at my site? It has unexpectedly downsized significantly. Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to moderators and staff)

  • Hi there, any chance you’ve change the zoom setting on your web browser?

    If that’s not it and you want to change the size of the font on your site, you can do that in the Customizer>Fonts only if you change from the default fonts for Chateau’s Headings and Base Font. If you stay with the defaults, the size will be whatever is available on the theme.

    Thing is, Chateau is a retired theme which means that it will only be updated for any security issues and will be more vulnerable to whatever changes occur on as a whole. You might consider activating a currently supported Classic theme if that is the type of theme you feel most comfortable working with.

    If I’ve missed something or you have other questions, please post back here and let me know.

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