Followers get 0 notifications from my blog?

  • Hello,

    I really need some help here. I’ve already tried contacting WordPress Customer Support, left a message, no follow up.

    I’m seeking help with my WordPress blog. Every time I make a post, it never sends my followers a notification. Everything seems to be turned on/activated.

    What else could the problem be?



    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi –

    Are these followers or email followers? Which post are you having trouble with? I see the most recent published one is from March 3rd.

  • WordPress followers I believe. There is no specified post I am having trouble with. It’s just that when I post nobody gets a notification of a new post I created and I’m trying to find out how to do that.

  • I do not know if this is related or not but you are tag spamming.

    The combined total of categories and tags on any post must not exceed 15 or it will not display on Categories and Tags pages and in the WordPress.COM Reader.

    As you have assigned a combined total that exceeds 15 relevant Categories/Tags to your posts, you need to edit and delete. After removal of the excess categories and/or tags note it may take several days for your posts to begin displaying there.

    Also, note that posts do not display in the Reader forever. Posts only display in the WordPress.COM Reader for 60 days.

    Please be aware that you ought to be more concerned about your posts not appearing and being well ranked on Google and Bing SERPS (search results pages) than not appearing in the Reader and on the Topics pages, because it’s search engines that send a significant flow of traffic to blogs and they can and do choose to bury your content where the sun don’t shine for that.

    The rule of thumb is to assign to your posts the least, not the most, combined number of only relevant categories and tags that accurately describe the individual post content. And, you never assign the same keyword or keyword phrase as both a category and a tag. For tips on tagging see >

  • What’s the difference between tag spamming and tagging? If I was tag spamming (not sure, didn’t count the tags) then it’s not on purpose.

    I thought the point of making a blog relevant to categories is to tag them, and if so, why doesn’t WordPress have this as a precautionary message when creating a blog post especially for those that are new to this?

    Beyond the tags, that’s not really my issue. I’m just wondering why my followers don’t get notifications from me.

    Thanks for the tips.

  • It’s important that you read this support doc closely

    The classic mistakes new bloggers make are:

    assigning too many categories and tags
    assigning irrelevant categories and tags

    Doing either or both of those results in search engines assuming you are a spamdexer or tag spammer and that means your content will be indexed and displayed in search results where the sun don’t shine.

    The rule of thumb is to assign to your posts the least, not the most, combined number of only relevant categories and tags that accurately describe the individual post content. And, you never assign the same keyword or keyword phrase as both a category and a tag.

  • I’m just wondering why my followers don’t get notifications from me.

    Followers manage their own subscriptions and specify the frequency of receipt of posts from sites they follow.

    See what Staff said here please:

    Ask them to click the “manage subscriptions” link at the bottom of one of the old emails. Then on the webpage that appears, click on “settings” and make sure that “block all emails from” is not checked.

    Other checks your followers can make include:
    looking in their email client spam filters;
    and, if they use gmail or google apps they can consult these guides:

    If they are not successful, and they have accounts they will need to login and communicate with Staff in this thread. Note that lizkarkoski will follow up here.

  • Okay, thank you, I will look into that.

    However, I would like to know if you know anything regarding current* followers getting notifications or alerts once I make a blog post?

  • Okay, will check into that just now seeing those links. Thanks! Will update with any changes.

  • Do you understand that Staff needs to know who is not getting the posts?

    Have you actually set up blog subscriptions yet?

    re: blog subscriptions

    All that’s required to follow any blog hosted by wordpress.COM is exactly what you were required to provide to register here, and that is a valid email address that the published posts can be sent to.

    Here subscribers control their own subscriptions and frequency of receipt of posts from sites they subscribe to. We cannot act on their behalf. More to the point is the fact that when email addresses are submitted for the purpose of receiving blog updates that is the only purpose they can be used for.

    You can set up email subscriptions here > Appearance > Widgets > Follow Blog Widget by using this guide >

    Widgets can be configured to appear only on certain pages (or be hidden on certain pages) by clicking on the Visibility button.

    We have a subscription shortcode which you can make use of. The help page on it is right here: You can also include the subscription shortcode at the end of every post you publish.

    The mailchimp and aweber pop-up subscription code provided by those source sites will not operate on WordPress.COm hosted sites. Staff have recently added the mailchimp widget for subscriptions and here is the link to the guide you must use

    Additional information:
    You can create a Subscribe page add and customize a contact form with multiple fields, change the email address where you’ll be notified, and mark feedbacks as spam from your dashboard on that page.
    That is where you can boldly and clearly state that you intend to harvest the email addresses of anyone who choose to submit theirs.


  • I can check to see if your post has been published in to the Reader (where your followers will see it) and if any email notifications were sent to your email followers, but I need to know which post you are working on. Please share the post title or link so I can take a closer look at these details.

    As timethief mentioned there’s a limit on tags to help identify spammers and keep a clean environment on You can read more about tags here:

    Organize Posts with Tags

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