Followers claim site's been hacked

  • I just got this comment on my blog:

    Love your work and the pics, but has your blog been hacked somehow? I read every post and 4 times I have gotten a full screen popup that says “Urgent Firefox Update” from a fake URL with a forced download (which I always cancel). I have a screenshot of it if you’re interested. I reported it to Mozilla.

    Any idea what’s up with WordPress? Here’s the URL:

    I don’t see this behavior when I view from Chrome or IE, but if a follower does it doesn’t reflect well on me/Wordpress.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Your site has not been hacked, but that visitor to your site might have been. It sounds like they might have malware installed on their computer, most likely in the form of a browser toolbar that was installed along with free software they downloaded somewhere else. These browser toolbars can cause pop-ups like this, and can even completely alter the browser and internet settings on your computer.

    I suggest you reply to that follower and advise them to install a program like Malwarebytes and run a malware scan on their computer, and to refresh Firefox which should remove any toolbars like this from their browser.

    And just to confirm, I use Firefox and I see no such warning anywhere on your site :)

  • @1969roamer46 our apologies for the spammer reply. We’ve removed that, but their “information” did not apply at all to your situation. So if you saw that reply, you can go ahead and ignore it. Cheers :)

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