Followers can not comment on my posts?

  • My stats have been in a nose dive for a the last couple of weeks. My followers are telling me they are having trouble finding my page from ‘my link’ and are not able to comment or subscribe off of the reader. I have no idea how to fix this. Yes
    Jetpack: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there @mbunch888 – when folks say “My followers are telling me they are having trouble finding my page from ‘my link’” do you know what they mean? What “My link” do you think they’re referring to?

    not able to comment or subscribe off of the reader

    I was just able to subscribe fine to your site via the Reader:

    (I went ahead and unsubscribed just now after the test.)

    What about when they try to subscribe? Do they see an error message?

    Could you please explain what happens when they try to comment on one of your posts in the Reader? Are the same folks having trouble commenting if they visit your site directly?


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