Follower niot rec'g notifications anymore

  • OK. So, this morning we make our weekly shopping trip in to town and one of my followers/subscribers comes up to me in the store and asks if I’m all right, in good health. I say “sure – don’t I look OK?”

    And he says, I haven’t received an email telling me of a new blog post in a week.”

    I’m still posting 3-4 times/day.



    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Ed,

    Can you give me the email address or username for that follower? (You can paste the email address in your reply and our software will hide it from everyone except staff, to keep it private.) I can use that to investigate and find out why he isn’t receiving those notifications. :)

  • Sorry, I won’t see him till next Sunday when we go to town.

    I’ll try to call him at work, tomorrow – though I don’t know if I’ll catch him. His “weekend” is middle of the week.

  • Hi Ed,

    That’s fine — you can send over his details whenever you’re able to get them. I checked some of your followers and confirmed that we’re sending them notifications about your new posts, so there isn’t a widespread issue, but once I know the details for this follower in particular I can check to see what’s going on there.

  • Cripes. What an email address for [name redacted]. Didn’t get to talk directly to him – too busy – but, I got his email address:

    (email visible only to moderators and staff)

    When I see him Sunday, I’ll try to see if he’s checking his spam filter.

  • Hi Ed,

    Thanks for sharing Jim’s email address. I checked our records, and we are emailing him notifications for all of your new posts. If he doesn’t find those posts in his spam filter, he may also want to check his Promotions, Social and Updates tabs in Gmail. (Sometimes the emails will end up in one of those other tabs.)

    I hope this helps! Please let me know if there’s anything more I can do. :)

  • Well, I saw Jim McConnell, this morning, in town.

    He said, all the suggestions from you and from me still didn’t get his subscription to my blog @ to send email notifications to him. So, he added a new email address, in addition to (email visible only to moderators and staff) he is now also (email visible only to moderators and staff) – and that worked. He’s been getting notifications.

    Come to think of it – if you’re checking, again, from your end he said it without spelling so I assumed the 1 is as numeral not the word “one”.

    Anyway – just thought I’d update you.


  • Hi Ed, thanks for the update! I glad Jim got the email subscriptions working with his new address. Please let me know if I can do anything more to help. :)

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