Fix the sidebar width issue in Android

  • I currently have the mobile site activated, so visitors with Android/iOS phones can view my blog with minileven. I’ve activated it after spending a lot of time before understanding that it was typekit to make the browser crash, so I had to disable the fonts for mobile in the kit.
    BTW I just noticed there is a problem when viewing the site with minileven using an Android 2.2 phone with the stock browser, in my case an HTC Wildfire. In fact, the sidebar “breaks” the width, due to the fact it has a 100% width and a padding.
    The fix is in the style_002.css file. Just change from this:
    #page, .widget-area, #main{width:100%;margin:0;}
    To this:

    #page, #main{width:100%;margin:0;}

    And the problem is gone. :) If you can, please consider fixing the bug.

    Also, if anybody has an iOS device, could you confirm the bug for you also? Thank you.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Sidebar is not an issue in iOS on my iPhone. It displays just as it should.

    iOS 5.something.

  • Looks like it only happens with a small screen resolution, as my Wildfire has (240x320px in this case). Here you can see a before-after screenshot. It’s done with the Opera Mobile Emulator, but it’s exactly the same in the stock Android browser:

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