fine time for a 500 error

  • Being as it’s still officially the weekend, I must say this is a fine time for a 500 error when trying to post a comment on my blog. Is anyone else getting an error message like this:
    500 Internal Server Error
    There was a small systems error. Please try refreshing the page and if the error is still there drop us a note and let us know.

    Of course, you can’t actually click on the link to let them know, because support is closed.

  • Raincoaster,

    I just made a change that should fix these 500 errors. Sorry about that and please let me know if it happens again.

  • Support for all our pissy little worries is switched off for the weekends. As the message said it was just a small systems error. If the whole caboodle crashes you can bet support will be up and running.

  • forestneeds, thank you for maintaining the level of mutual respect in the forums. Perhaps it is small of me to consider the ability to post in my blog or read it to be important in some sense, but ah well, that’s just how I am. I would not have posted to the forums if the problem hadn’t been persistent.

    Thanks, Barry. Problem is all cleared up now.

  • Raincoaster: you’re welcome. Obviously Barry is on your side as he also thought it was more important than the server did.

  • Now what we have is a “Cannot find server” message instead. Dashboard works fine, everything behind the scenes works fine (although I’m noticing the forums are very slow and sticky) but the blog itself won’t come up; neither the whole thing nor individual posts.

    Can’t seem to post, can’t check the blog, can’t read the comments.

    Is anyone else getting something similar? Can’t send a feedback because that function is now closed until Tuesday.

    UPDATE: I can now post, but I can’t see the post once I’ve made it.

  • Fixed now, thanks. Marking as resolved.

    Oops, spoke too soon. Un-marking as resolved. Still can’t access comments or particular posts.

  • Is this happening to anyone else’s blog? What’s weird is that I can get into all the other WordPress blogs I try to access, just not mine; yet I’m getting comments, so some people can obviously get through.

    Can someone here give me feedback on whether or not they’re having difficulty getting into my blog? It’s as if I somehow managed to ban myself.

  • @raincoaster

    Are you still having problems? What are you trying to access when you get the error? Your Dashboard? Just your blog?

  • my blog is being really weird, too. all of my sub pages are totally busted (404 error).

  • Barry,
    Please take note of this:
    “Right, but since support is closed today, we can’t send any feedback until it reopens tomorrow.”

    Good grief. I didn’t realize this was the case. It’s Monday. It’s not the weekend. I have no idea what’s going on with that and why support is temporarily closed. But I do know staff have the support forums on rss feeds and that they must know about this.

    Oh Mark … we have 5 bloggers in one thread as well as 4 others in the other threads on the board with the same or similar problems

  • Please continue any discussion of the 404 issue over here:

  • It kept going back and forth; sometimes it would happen for an hour, then I’d be able to get in for fifteen minutes, then it would go back to impossible. It eventually seemed to resolve itself around 6pm GMT. And it was for every individual post on the blog, the pages and the main blog page. I could get to everything on the back end.

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