Finding a blog to read?

  • I am new to WordPress and I would like to browse through blogs to find some interesting blogs to read and to follow, on certain topics that I’m interrested in.
    The problem is, when I search a topic in the WordPress browser, I get this answer: ”Don’t see any posts under the topic you searched for? That’s because there are no posts with that topic yet; maybe you should write the first one.” Even when I type something as vague as the word ”music”, and also when I click on suggested topics (that I have no interest in) with the ”explore topics” link.
    I would find it very surprising that there would be absolutely no blogs concerning music, so I suspect that I don’t understand how WordPress works yet.
    But still, in my opinion, users (no matter how ignorant they are of how blogs work) shouldn’t have to go ask on the forum how to actually find a blog to read on a blog platform, so I’m a bit disapointed!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I just searched for “music” and got plenty of results. Can you please go to the following URL and see if you see any listings?!/read/topic/music/

    If you don’t you are probably having an issue with your web browser. Please read the following article to make sure you aren’t experiencing any browser issues:

    Solve Common Browser Issues

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