File upload types

  • So there is no way to extend the upload capability to other file types…without an upgrade?

    Even then, I have no need to upload movies or music, so a space upgrade doesn’t help.

    My particular need is to upload cave survey files, which are really just text files but have a .svx extension so the bespoke survey programme can recognise them. Not rocket science.

    Why is the file upload type limited like this? A file’s a file, no? doc and powerpoint allowed, but not excel…? jpg and gif allowed, but not bmp or tif…? Weird.

    WordPress gives me 3gb of space…and then stops me trying to fill it?….;)

  • It’s all about security. If we are 100% certain that a filetype is safe we would look at adding it. Zip, bmp, txt and others do have proven security issues and allowing their upload would compromise the environment here. Your request will be looked at but if there is any doubt then it could not be allowed, sorry.

  • Thanks for the reply, Mark.

    And ok, understand your concerns, although they don’t seem to be issues elsewhere (if you know where I mean ;) )

    But thanks for taking a look at it and appreciate your response.


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