feel duped by the ads on WordPress

  • Speaking up: I just saw the ads that WordPress
    put on my blog site and I’m so bummed. I feel duped.
    Coerced into to give them an additional $30.00 a year to get this
    stuff off my blog. Held hostage. I was feeling so great about WordPress – until this. Is anywhere in the world free from this stuff? Was this made known to me clearly and cleanly upfront? Perhaps I missed it. But me finding the ads imbedded in my site this morning feels disrespectful. Okay, here you go, WordPress, here is $30,00 more dollars a year. You got me. Was there a cleaner way you could have handled this? More upfront? Less ‘imbedding’, less ‘invade my privacy by putting communications on my site that do not belong there and did not receive my permission to be there’?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I don’t know what you expect, someone to run a whole farm of servers to host your blog out of their own pocket?

    You can pay for it in two ways; either paying $30 a year or letting them advertise. To me that seems reasonable.

    If you have seen any particular advert that is unsuitable then take a screenshot and let staff know. Very occasionally advertisers have pulled a fast one and shown unsavoury add but staff have promptly removed them. All ads here should be “suitable for family viewing”

  • You want no ads? You buy the No Ads upgrade. You can’t complain about feeling duped if you don’t read the Terms of Service agreement you signed in the first place.

  • Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it and I hear you. How about putting the ad thing right upfront so it’s not lost in the terms of service place that most folks are clicking right through? Helpful. Thank you to all who work on these sites.

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