Feeds stats and feedburner

  • I use Feedburner (i.e. import the WP.com RSS > Feedburner and publicise the feedburner URL) which works fine. But does the WP.com feeds stats record each subscriber on feedburner or does it treat feedburner as one ‘user’?

    For example If I have 10 subscribers with Feedburner and 10 with WP.com does that mean I have 10 subscribers in total (9 real users with WP.com + 1 feedburner user)? OR do I have 20 subscribers?

  • Depends on how they are subscribing. If all of your subscribers are using your Feedburner feed, then those reported by FB are all you’ve got. If you have some subscribers who are using your WP.com feed, they are not a part of the FB stats. We no longer get any stats on WP.com feeds.

  • @vivianpaife – we do get WP.com feed stats for individual posts.

    But my question is really one about how feedburner interacts with WP.com – does feedburner cache each item thereby masking individual subscriptions from WP.com or does Feedburner pass that data back i.e. not cache the feed?

    I suspect this is only going to be able to be answered by either WP.com staff, folk who have comparative stats from a self hosted blog or from Feedburner. But the answer will be of interest to all WP.com users who use Feedburner.

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