Feeds don’t show up in correct order in WP Reader

  • Hi!

    I would like to know how I can better manage the way my blog posts show up as feeds in the WP Reader. The URL that usually gives me problems is the following: https://wordpress.com/read/feeds/47802438. If, for instance, I change the date of a post, this post won’t line up in the correct order in the WP Reader. This doesn’t happen in other feed readers. For example, if I go to https://wordpress.com/read/blogs/110742210 or to https://kristianklas.wordpress.com/feed/atom, the posts are lined up in the correct order, even if I have modified the publication date.

    Thank you very much in advance!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Is it possibly just a caching thing? I haven’t scrolled own a lot, but I’m not noticing any differences in the order on these links. And we do use caching to help keep things speedy.

    Also, can you help me understand why you’re changing the dates on the posts? Generally folks use the reader for news, and seeing the posts re-ordered could lead to some confusion as to what was already read and what was not.

    WordPress does support order for static pages, if that’s what you’re after. They would not show up as news items, but you could order them as you like.

  • Sure! It’s mainly because for a time I erroneously published some posts when my blog was set up to be “Hidden”, so now I’m momentarily republishing those posts, and then putting them back in the original chronological order.

    I cleaned my cache, and I even tried both in Safari and Firefox, but there was no change. And I would prefer to leave them as posts. The only problem seems to be the WP Reader. Besides, there isn’t any change when I modify the number of syndication feeds. I set it up to 1 and to 150 as a test, and it all remained the same in the WP Reader.

    Looking forward to a solution!

  • We’ll try clearing the cache to see if that helps. Give that a few hours then try again and let us know if it’s better. Thanks!

  • Thank you very much! That seems to have worked!

    The only thing that doesn’t work is the number of syndication feeds. I’ve tried different numbers, but there is no change.

  • Again I think this is more about caching.

    What did you want that set to?

  • I had set it up to the maximum, which I think is 150 items.

  • That’s how many items your site will display at kristianklas.wordpress.com/feed .

    But it is not necessarily how many items any given reader program will choose to load per site, since readers also need to take performance into consideration. I don’t know whether our reader will load up all 150. Also, I don’t know whether you were considering it, but I also do not recommend loading 150 posts on a page in your site. It would be slow for you readers.

  • So would it be more reasonable to set it up to 50?

  • It still is not necessarily how many items would come into the reader. Think of it this way: a reader says, “Hey, what’s on your site?”

    Your site says, “Here, I’ve got fifty posts!”

    A reader says, “Thanks, I’ll take ten.”

    Ten is a pretty standard number by the way.

    You could also think of these posts, along with all other posts a person might be reading, as copies of magazines. Many folks simply wouldn’t have time to read back 150 or even 50 editions, particularly if you consider all of the other posts they’re also reading. Those folks who want to read through all of the archives are probably better suited to visiting your site.

  • Sure. I understand. However, whether I set the syndication feeds to 1 or 150 items, the changes I make have no effect in this URL: https://wordpress.com/read/feeds/47802438. I only want that my own settings do work, whatever number of items I choose.

  • That URL is a reader, and your settings do not directly control it.

    If you set it to 1, we could clear the cache again and it would just show one because that’s all your site offered it.

    However, it isn’t compelled to show 150. Make sense?

  • Yes, it makes sense. I thought they did control it.

    So could we try to clear the cache again?

  • As soon as you’ve settled on a setting, sure. We can do that once more for your site.

  • Okay, let’s try with my current settings. Thanks!

  • Done, it didn’t affect the number of posts there. Sorry.

    Please consider encouraging readers to visit your site to see all posts.

  • That’s fine. Thanks anyway!

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