Features of the premium plan

  • Hi there,

    Just want to know if i can individually customise my desktop view, tablet view and phone view on the personal plan?

    Right now my theme that i have picked is not compatible on tablet and iphone – by upgrading my plan to a personal plan will i be able to edit each view individually?

    WP.com: Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Right now my theme that i have picked is not compatible on tablet and iphone

    Hi there, since your site is currently marked Private, please share the name of your current theme. In general, all WordPress.com themes are mobile friendly.

    If you want to further customize your theme, it would require upgrading to at least the Premium plan to use Custom CSS. You can learn more about the Premium plan by clicking on “Learn more” below.

    Here’s more on Custom CSS, which you can also access by purchasing the Custom CSS Add-on.

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