Featured Slider PNG problem

  • I am currently having problems with the photo/featured slider in the Oxygen theme. I am using .png files for 2 of my photos, if I have either of those two in there at one time they work just fine, but if I add any other pictures, or both pngs at the same time(all pictures are at the same resolution) the background of the pngs on the slider goes white. These same pngs work in every other area (like my gallery) just fine. I’ve seen other people having a problem with this but not seen a solution before the thread is closed.
    This is happening on my main page: http://www.kylestamm.com
    Its fairly important to me because they look much better without backgrounds and my chances of getting a job in my field are based on the look of my work.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Kyle,

    It seems to be an odd behavior within the browser that I’m still tracking down, in that the images are still transparent, but the browser is adding a white background behind it.

    A workaround/fix is to add some CSS to your Appearance->Customize->CSS section to manually indicate what the background color should be.

    For example, you can add

    .attachment-featured-thumbnail.wp-post-image {
    background: #000000;

    to make the background behind the pictures black. Since you have a custom background image there, setting it to the dark grey that you used should get you set.


  • Thanks, it’ll be overlapping my logo a bit but its better than nothing. Is there a good way to keep an eye out for fixes?

  • Anytime. Once I nail down exactly what’s happening and get some extra developer eyes on it, I’ll give you an update.

    I’m logging off for the day, but have a great one!

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