Featured photo not showing with blog post

  • I am currently using the “Russell” theme. My problem is, when I post a blog article the photo does not show up with the title on my home page. The photo is still in the article, but not featured on the home page so everything displayed is words with no photos. I would like the photo to show along with the title.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @injarsofclayfullofgrace, this theme typically has its own customizable front page with a blog posts block, and that block includes featured images.

    Do you want it to look like this?

    You can delete the big picture and info at the top, if you’d like (or change it out, or add whatever you want) and just leave the blog posts below that. Then, add that as your site’s front page under My Site > Customize > Front Page.

  • Hi, I am facing the same problem but your solution doesn’t seem to be clear. Could you please help me with how to customise the theme or which setting to edit, in order for the featured articles below to be displayed with images.
    The blog link I am currently working on this theme is http://www.thoughtsunlocked.com.

    Thank you

  • @sanminderkaur,

    Your front page is correctly set up. But you don’t see images with your posts, because you don’t have any featured images set.

    Edit the post, and in the editor sidebar, click on Featured Image. Then set the image you want to be used there, and update the post.


    For the post feed on the front page you must explicitly set a featured image. It won’t automatically use an image added to the content of the post itself.

    You can find out more about featured images here:


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