Featured image not showing on the blog posts block

  • I use featured images for my blog posts. It used to show in the blog post block but now it is not showing anymore. The weird thing is that loading more blog posts shows the featured images for the older posts. I tried googling it but I couldn’t find a solution. Any help would be appreciative.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there @haibinhly featured images on Pages is having a moment. Can you check the Content Options tab in the Customizer to see whether “Featured Images: Display on Pages” is checked or not? Let us know.

    Also you mentioned:

    The weird thing is that loading more blog posts shows the featured images for the older posts.

    I’m not sure what’s happening there, so I’ve also flagged your forum thread for Staff attention.

  • hey @justjennifer, i had to look up where the Content Options, eventually found it, the “Featured Images: Display on Pages” was checked off, I checked it on and it worked!!!

    Thanks so much for the help. I have no idea how it got checked off in the first place.

    thanks again for the help, much appreciated

  • Thanks for tagging us @justjennifer. FYI on this, we’ve got some bug reports and a contributor has offered a potential fix, so hopefully we’ll stop seeing new cases soon. In the meantime, thank you for sharing the workaround, and @haibinhly, let us know if you need more help!

  • Hi there

    I face the same problem, however, I don’t see any option like “Featured Images: Display on Pages”

    can you please precise me where you found it ?


  • @utopiedubaobab if your site is hosted here on WordPress.com and if your site is using a Classic theme, you’ll find the setting “Featured Images: Display on Pages” in the Customizer>Content Options.

    If that doesn’t describe your case, please open a new thread at https://wordpress.com/forums?new=1 and let us know the URL of the site you need help with and the theme you are using on your site. Thanks.

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