Featured image in Top Posts widget

  • Hi
    My blog uses the Top Posts and Pages widget displayed as an Image List. Normally I don’t care which image appears for each post, but at the moment my top post is a book review and I’d like the image to be the book cover. I have hunted round but can’t see how to specify which image appears in the Image List for a particular post.
    Can anyone help please?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Have you noticed a consistent pattern of images displayed? For example is it the first image in the post that is displayed? If so then you can address that image order within the post.

  • timethief, thanks for the suggestion. Most of the images chosen seem to be either the first or the last one in the post (can’t see what determines which) but some are the penultimate image, and some are the first one in a gallery, wherever that appears in the post.

    Does anyone know of a way to select which image displays?

  • Misty Look is a retired theme. You can continue to use it, but it is no longer being updated with the latest bells and whistles that the newer and current themes provide.

    One of the features that most of the current themes have is the option to choose a “featured image” which will appear as selected in “top posts and pages” and “recent posts” widgets.

    Howdy! This theme, MistyLook, has seen an update in the form of a brand new theme, Misty Lake.

  • thanks 1tess.

    I am attached to Misty Look and anxious about corrupting things if I switch to another theme, but maybe it is time…

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