Feature slider in full width does not work

  • Feature slider in full width does not work. The image I load (no matter the image) is not covering the top of the page, rather it is a small picture in the corner. How do I make it cover the top of the page?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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  • Hi there,

    If I look at your site the images in the slider are all showing full-width to me.


    Did you manage to figure this out or do you still need help with this?

  • Yes I figured it out however how I can not get the info to list under it. I even followed the directions for it-“list the three ‘featured’ post under a special area…”

    This is checked but will not populate.

  • I figured it out.

    Is there a way to link the the featured post and or the post underneath to the drop down menu?

  • If you want posts listed in then menu, you’ll need to add it to the custom menu. Click on My Sites, then click the Customize button next to Themes. Then click on Menus and select the Primary menu already there.

    Click Add items, and select Posts. All your published posts should be listed there, and you’ll be able to add them to the menu, same as pages.

    But in general I’d advise against adding posts to the menu. The menu is better suited to static content like pages, so if something must be always-reachable, consider publishing it as a page instead.

    Use posts for updates that can get lost in the backscroll over time, to always have a fresh, recent update for your readers but not necessarily something they absolutely have to be able to find instantly when visiting your site.

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