Feature Images on Blog Posts

  • Hi, so I just recently changed my theme on WordPress. My old theme showed my blog posts on my home page. It portrayed the feature image of each blog post and in order to see the full post, you’d have to click on its feature image. I no longer wanted my blog posts on my home page, so I picked a new theme and made a separate page for my blog posts. On this new theme, however, it shows the feature image of the posts, followed by all of the pictures in the post underneath it. So, I don’t actually have to click on the feature image to see the full blog post since it already shows everything. I want to know how to change that so it only shows the feature image, like I had it before instead of having a really long page of continuous pictures from each blog post. My theme now is Lodestar and this is for the blog sereiaphotography.wordpress.com

    Thank you.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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  • Note: Every theme has a detailed theme description page like this one is at https://wordpress.com/themes/lodestar/ That’s where set up instructions for it are found. The live demo site is at https://lodestardemo.wordpress.com/

    The recommended Featured Image size is at least 2000 wide by 1200 tall. The theme will scale and crop the images depending on the page and device size.

  • @haileyroseeexo, I see that you now have your site set to show excerpts on the posts at Customize > Content Options. Let me know if you have further questions.

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