Favicon not appearing in results pages

  • Hi all,
    I’ve added a site icon to my website using customisation on WordPress. However, the icon only appears on browser tabs, and doesn’t appear on SERPs. According to Google, for a favicon to appear in search results pages, you need to add this link tag to the header of the homepage:
    <link rel=”shortcut icon” href=”/path/to/favicon.ico”>.

    However, I’m on a personal plan so I can’t change the coding of the header (or upload anything to the root directory of my site using FTP).

    Is there any other way of getting the site icon to appear on SERPs, or maybe a certain theme that puts the site icon in the header? (currently using Mayland)
    Many thanks.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • It’s working just fine for me.

    Please note that Google does not index sites in real-time. If you recently added it, it may take a few weeks for it to show in their search results.

  • Hi, thanks for your reply. Just to clarify, did you mean that the site is working fine or the favicon is working fine on SERPs? I’ve been using Google Search Console and its told me all my pages have been indexed, so is it the case that the favicon can take a few weeks to appear as well in results pages?
    Thanks in advance

  • Hi –

    The site loads and works properly for me. When searching for your post title in Google’s search engine I find you on the first page. Look at this screen shot and confirm if that’s where you’re expecting the favicon to appear. Thanks.

  • Hi, yes that was where I was expecting the favicon to appear.
    When I’ve searched queries (in chrome) that I have written content on, other results have the favicon in that position, but where mine should be I’m seeing the default grey globe icon instead. Today, I’ve also seen the WordPress “W” favicon appear in that position as well.

  • Yep, it can take come time for them to include your favicon in the index. We don’t have any control over that process.

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