Favicon help in Sela

  • Hello all

    I am not sure if this is just something that comes with the theme or not but I am hoping I can change it otherwise I will have to come up with another plan!

    My site https://socialmediacopywriting.wordpress.com/ seems to have a picture of a man as the favicon. As a woman trying to get her business started, I want to change this, but can’t figure out how. I thought I could go to customize site identity but it doesn’t change anything.

    I am soooo not technical when it comes to websites. I can provide content for them all day long and write blogs, articles, anything but when it comes to the actual site, I’m hopeless! So any help here is appreciated.

    Thank you all!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,
    To change the ‘Blavatar’, (as this is what is called in wordpress.com), you can go to the WP-Admin area by typing: https://socialmediacopywriting.wordpress.com/wp-admin
    Settings>General>and see on the right side>Blog picture/icon.

    Just upload the image you would like to use, (recommended dimensions are 128×128 pixels), and you are good to go. If you are not comfortable cropping an image on your own, upload the image you want, and after the uploading is finished, you will be given the option to crop the exact area/dimensions of the image.
    Please note that sometimes favicons can take hours or even days to appear.
    Have fun :-)

  • That was very helpful – thank you very much! :)

  • Great, you’re very welcome :-)

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