Favicon defaulting to WordPress

  • I have an issue with the favicon not showing correctly. here are the details

    Website = https://rubeepay.com.au (wordpress 6.0)

    **Actions I have done**
    Action 1) uploaded png file favicon.ico to root folder
    Result 1) favicon was not showing. the default wordpress favicon was showing

    Action 2) changed the favicon within WordPress (these customisation)
    Result 2) correct favicon was showing on pages but not all. Ie, the wordpress favicon would show on pages where I am viewing image (ie, https://rubeepay.com.au/wp-content/themes/RubeePayWP/menulogo.png)

    **Past Experience**
    Within the last 2 months I have uploaded favicons to the root folder of a wordpress site without issues. These were WordPress 5.X versions. On these sites, the favicon correctly shows on all pages.

    **My preference**
    Would be to have the site read the favicon from the root folder. I am happy to remove code, etc, to disable the wordpress favicon.

  • Hello there,

    This site is not hosted with us on WordPress.com, but using the open source WordPress software at another hosting provider. This is a bit different to a site hosted on WordPress.com. You can read about these differences here: https://en.support.wordpress.com/com-vs-org/

    This means we are not able to assist with this website.

    For help with the favicon, you would need to reach out to the theme developers as this would be dictated by the theme. That said, when I visit the site, I can see a customized favicon in place, using the company logo.

    I hope this helps.

  • Thanks mate. I didnt realise this forum was only for wordpress hosted sites.

    I did put a favicon up but when I go to internal pages it doesn’t show – see https://rubeepay.com.au/wp-content/themes/RubeePayWP/menulogo.png

    Funny thing is I am using the same template version as I have used in the past and when I put a favicon.ico into the root folder it works on all ages bar none. The only variable change is the fact this site using WordPress 6.0.

    Ill see if I can find an answer somewhere. WordPress 6.0 is brand new out of testing so we’ll see if others have the same issue.

  • Hello there,

    Glad I can help!

    Ill see if I can find an answer somewhere. WordPress 6.0 is brand new out of testing so we’ll see if others have the same issue.

    It sounds like something in the theme may need an update there for sure. :)

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