Favicon Browser Inconsistency/Admin Appearance

  • I created and uploaded a favicon for my blog last week, and it’s not behaving the way i expected it to behave. By now, it’s updated the tab favicon and favorites favicon. But in Chrome and Firefox, it does not use the favicon in the address bar. In Chrome, it changed from using the standard WordPress favicon to the generic blank page image. In Firefox, it is a generic globe. Only in IE11 is it displaying on the address bar. Is this an issue of a browser setting, or perhaps something with WordPress’ compatibility with different browsers?

    Also, in the admin bar at the top of the page, the favicon does not seem to have completely replaced the generic globe that was once my image. My favicon is a PNG image with rounded corners rather than a straight-edged square. Instead of replacing the globe, it seems to have pasted the favicon over its top, and it has white corners around my favicon rather than leaving the corners as they display in the tab, IE’s address bar, and favorites bar. The background is transparent, so that is not the issue. Why is the globe still behind my blavicon?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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